Thursday, January 05, 2006

Spinning the Wheels..

Ah Oregon, how I love thee in the summer and in the winter I'd prefer to be in, Arizona. The winter rain storms finally let up a few days ago and as the rays of sun light, percolated through my blinds and began to dance on the spandex. I was up and in the pedals and out the door for another day of great training. The riding plans for Wednesday were to kick it on the kings valley loop, then after a brief stint at recovery, back into the weight room for a couple of hours working on the core, then finally back home for some dessert and an hour on the rollers.

Recovery Dessert: Low Fat Plain Yogurt + Fruit + Hammer Pro Whey Protein Powder (Yum!)

Thursday, the weather still going strong, I was back out on the king’s valley loop, and then in the evening it was 2+ hrs on the rollers.

Friday: The rain is back, time for more weights and a recovery day.



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