Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Wensday, 12/8/2004 - Computrainer & Rollers

For the past few Wednesdays, I’ve been doing workouts on the computrainers over at Racermate with other riders from Aurora. The computrainers are calibrated so eight of us can ride simultaneously head to head over a course. At the beginning of every month we do a time trial tests to gauge fitness, and for the rest of the month just planned workouts. For those of you who aren’t familiar with computrainers, they are special computer controlled trainers which adjust the tension the tension the rider experiences based upon the grade of the simulated road and their weight.

Today, we did a 19.5 mile course which contained three climbs each 2 - 3 miles in length. It took me 1hr 9second to finish the course, and I averaged 288 watts. The wattage is a little on the high end, but with in the acceptable range. On returning home and inhaling some Thai food. I hopped on the rollers to do a little active recovery spin out my legs another hour..

Thanks for reading

-- Kenneth


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