Saturday Kings Valley, Sunday Cherry Pie
Going into this weekend, I had thought that Saturday was going to be the big training day and that Sunday was going to be at best a wash. To maximize my Saturday workout with the Beavers, I showed up to our weekly weekend ride on the bike with the power cranks. Riding the power cranks indoors is one thing, riding them on the rollers takes it up a notch, but showing up to a OSU team ride on them is something completely different all together.. Saturdays plan was Kings Valley, the short loop. King's Valley isn't anything to crazy, but slapping dose of power cranks on top of it was all I could take.
Sunday, Today, I had expected to spend most of the day volunteering at the Cherry Pie. However, just after a brief trip through flagger school, I ran into a fellow OSU Beaver cyclist who was racing in the morning and willing to fill my flagger duties in the afternoon, freeing me to race the Cat-3 afternoon race. Woohoo. I ended up finishing just off the back of the main field, after working very hard for all but the first quarter of the race to keep one of the teams climbers in the ideal position for the final climb of the day..
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