Sunday, July 30, 2006

Training Update!

Two days after RAO I was ready to get back on the bike, and with Ring of Fire (12hr) and the FC 508 on the immediate horizon now is definitely not the time to be slacking.

- Wednesday 40 miles (Corvallis -> Keizer) - Road Bike No Aero Bars.

- Thursday 40 miles (Keizer -> Corvallis) - Road Bike No Aero Bars.
10 miles in evening pulling the burley dog trailer.
20 miles no dog trailer..

- Friday Rest Day

- Saturday 4 hrs (Road Bike No Aero Bars)
76+ miles (Keizer->Mt Angle->Scotts Mills->Carus (7 miles shy of Oregon City)->
Silverton -> Keizer

- Sunday 96.5 miles (Road Bike No Aero Bars)
(Keizer-> Silverton -> Silver Creek Falls-> Aumsvill -> Turner->West Salem->Keizer

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

RAO Photo's

Ryan Gardner's Award winning Race Across Oregon Photo's are posted to PhotoShelter!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Oregon State Time Trial Championships

Sunday August 6 is the date set for the Oregon State Time Trial Championships. What those in the know don't know is not just one but two PHILBRICKS will be racing in the State Time Trial Championships. Yeah, of course I will be there. But who's the second mystery Philbrick? Well, she is my Mom, Cathey Philbrick. She is slated for the masters women 55-59 race. And with Mitocondira being entirely inherited through the maternal line I think she should do just fine, actually I sorta feel sorry for all the guys she's going to be passing. So when your racing the state TT champs and this masters lady on a silver lemond passes and steals just a little of your cycling karma know that rider was "MY MOM!". I guess this all begs the question, what’s your MOM GOT?

August 6th is Tartan Time!


Monday, July 24, 2006

Saunders Whittlesey - The solo field took off at 5:00, Two man teams at 7:00, and the four man teams left at 9:00. Team Tartan first started catching the solo field a little before Mt Hood, but the place to be last night was at the base of Occaco, for it was here that the three teams converged, 4 man shark squad, 2 man tartan team, and Saunders. Yeah, and if that wasn't enough, if it wasn't for the streaks of sodium running down his jersey, shorts, and bike, one honestly could have thought Saunders was just out for a early morning hammer fest and not nearly 400 miles in to a record breaking race.

David Holt & Wade Baker- Team Tartan caught up with Dave and Wade dueling it out for second and third position between Service Creek and the nasty side of Monument. Both Dave and Wade were riding so strong that we seriously began to question our thermometers. Had it really been 111oF?

Ricky Martin & Scott Youngren – Last year I had the honor or riding with both Scott and Ricky at both RAO and race camp. At last years race both Ricky and Scott faced serious demons before finally DNFing. Where most people would have thrown in the towel, Scott and Ricky came back with an undeniable thirst to taste the fruits of a denied finish. In spite of the record heat both Ricky and Scott road to commanding finishes and have joined the ranks of the few who have claim to an official Solo-RAO Finish. From one solo to another, salutes!

John Spurgeon – When gearing up for the 2006 RAO, we heard rumors that Mr. Solo, himself John “Saber Tooth Salmon” Spurgeon was going to be returning to “Finish some unsettled business at the 2006 RAO”. At RAO 2006 John did that and so much more becoming the first person ever to finish RAO on a single speed, 44hr 34min.

Patty-Jo Struve - One week later, I'm still blown away by Patty's finish. Team Tartan pulled in Patty, chewed her up, and spit her out a little before Dufer. At the time I thought there was no way a rider we caught so early could possibly finish. Well, Patty proved me wrong and then some. With only 20 min remaining for an offical finish Patty cruised in to claim the title to the first offical solo RAO finish by a woman in two years. 47 hr 40 min.. Way to Go!

To Be Continued.


Team's - We Salute You!

The Chiropractic Sharks - Swim to the Top!
We want to know, did Tedder have you guys on a Hammer Gel Espresso drip through the entire race? Were convinced the four of you don't have an ounce of slow twitch muscle fiber in those legs. Nice job, snagging the big stick of beef, being first to the top and cementing in stone a new RAO course speed record.

Team Grand Pac Masters - New Two Man 70+ course record..
Grand Pac Masters, you guys are truly an inspiration. You've cemented our long term goal, mark the date, July 22nd 2049, a new two man over 70+ course record.. Tartan Style.. The only catch, your record is DAM FAST!! 39:42


Sunday, July 23, 2006

RAO Race Day - It's Tartan Time

The 2006, Race Across Oregon presented a new challenge for Team Tartan: field two crews for two riders, with singular goal of total domination. Not yet recovered from the race here are a few of the highlites. Damn, I'm still hot.

New Fastest Timberline Climb
Team Tartan recorded the FASTEST time split from Government Gamp to
Timberline Lodge, EVER for any team. Covering the final 6 miles in 29 minutes averageing approximately 12.4 mph. Take that "Finnegan's Discovers Toy Sharks".

New Two Man Course Record
A new two man
course record was born: 28 hrs 58 min, 18.47 mph. Ol' Fogies, we drank all our ensure, looking to restock, please send wager to:

Kenneth Philbrick
1180 Lockhaven Dr Ne

Keizer, Oregon 97303

Beat Recumbents to the Top

In fairness, yes the four man recumbant team, RAO speed wagon started two hours back. But we figure the
"Quest" is worth at least two. So yet again, the uprights are on top. In our opinion you guys are amazing, we can't pedal the 'bent.

What's Next For Team Tartan? Why the Race Across Oregon Banquet.


Friday, July 14, 2006

Training Video's


Team Tartan at Timberline with George!

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Photo's From Camp


Climbing Out of Maupin

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

RAO - Camp Redux..

Over the last couple of years the RAO race camps have become a Team Tartan staple. To win RAO one must go to camp. One can train on similar grades, similar length courses, and even simulate the entire course indoors, but no training approaches being out on the course. Unfortunately this year Team Tartan was missing in action at both the official three and four day camps.

So what to do? Well, simply plan our own unofficial race camp. As a team we have had a little experience on the RAO course in May & June, but neither of us had ever been out on the course in July and thus the weekend of the 4th of July was chosen as "Tartan Time". In planning our camp we knew we would need some help. With my crew was off in Canada and Ben's crew somewhere in the Midwest in search of the "Worlds Largest Six Pac", we would need to bring some new members into the clan or get friendly with bike trailers. Well the call went out for help and when the Caber finally hit the ground, Lisa and Ken Morton aka "The Super Llama's" had become new members of the Team Tartan clan.

The Tour

Instead of writing about the route, how we hammered till our little legs fell off, how under trained we really are, and my 16% body fat roasted in the heat; I’m going to share the big lesson we learned about the 2006 RAO.

Feel the Fire

In May & June, the RAO course can be warm. But in July the course is an inferno. We knew it was going to be hot, but it wasn't until camp we truly had an understanding for how hot it is going to be. In the morning leaving Portland it was warm, government camp was cool, a little outside Tye Valley it was 104F. Day two, it was cool in the morning 80F, by noon in the valley between service Creek & Monument it was 109F, why the sun couldn't muster 1 more degree F so we could have suffered through a more optimal 110F I do not know what I can tell you was it was by far the hottest hell I've ever ridden through.

How to handle the heat on race day? Surviving the heat on race day will take every trick in ultra-cycling race manual and then a few more. Here are a few of our observations..

1 - Hammer Nutrition - Endurolytes - Plan on bringing at least two bottles of endurolytes per rider. Ben and I were consuming roughly 50+ endurolytes PER DAY out on the course. Yes you might not dip into the second bottle but as with everything else it’s better to be prepared.

2 - Water - One can not have to little of this, both externally and internally, but again Endurolytes will be critical to avoid Hyponytrimia.

3 - Nutrition - Remember to eat in the heat even when your body says no..

4 - Hammer Nutrition - Liquid Endurance - This supplement is critical for the pre-RAO taper. Liquid Endurance increases the amount of water stored in the body allowing.

Race Strategy

During the middle of the second day I began to think about an RAO race strategy, especially a solo race strategy to mitigate the effects of the heat. What I came up with was a slightly unorthodox solo race plan; Sleep though the heat of the day. The plan would be to ride non-stop, but during the hottest part of the day 2:30 - 3:30 when it’s 100+F stop and sleep in the back of your crew's air-conditioned van. After the hour, resume the pursuit. I envision this race strategy would work very well for the solo that is just looking to finish and avoid the DNF. Remember last year approximately half the field DNF’ed so avoiding a DNF is a very respectable goal. Sleeping early in the mid day heat is strategically much better then sleeping in the evening or early morning when it’s cool. For the solo looking for a win the strategy also could work assuming a mid day snooze would result in a evening and day two increase in average speed of 1 mph over the competitors who road non-stop through the heat.

Team Tartan’s Goals

Much has been written about Team Tartan’s RAO race goals. Some if it’s right on, and some misses the mark slightly. Yes, Team Tartan would like to do well. Yes, we had a fantastic performance last year at both RAO and the Fireweed 400. Yes, we have had some success in a few early season time trials. But for as for RAO, our big goal here is to just ride a race that’s fun. In my case my graduate school work has left me with less pre-RAO training time then I would have optimally liked and Ben’s training schedule this year has been focused on goals other then RAO. Who will be first to the top, if I were to guess I’d put money on the sharks, the two recumbent teams should be next. For the two man race if I were a wagering man, I’d put Computrained first as I’ve ridden before with them, closely followed by Dik-Dik, not so closely followed by Team Tartan who might be down to a single rider. The Canabiles will most likely be late as they will be waylayed on catching and eating me. With my glutes are now nicely marbled at 16%, I’m expecting Bill Nicholi will be handing me a seasoning packet at the pre-race meeting.

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