Saturday, January 29, 2005

Saturday -- Maple Valley & Back South.

Today, the plan was to get some more solid base miles in. The weather was a little cool today, but nothing to complain about especially since it’s still January. After meeting up with a new friend at the Starbucks in Leshi, we then headed south. She was looking to get some training miles in for an Arizona Iron Man, and I more miles for RAO. We ended up heading down south, out to Maple Valley. I really like the route out to Maple Valley, the route starts out relatively flat and then starts to kick a little over a couple of climbs. On getting back and hitting the lake we circled back around the south end. The whole ride was around five and a half hours and was at a real easy base intensity; I kept my heart rate ~130 BPM. Right now I’m really not tracking distance for it doesn’t really matter all that much, just intensity and time.

I sort of passed out on getting back. Last night I slept less then 6 hrs, and then the whole week has been crazy. Post Hammer Whey and Tissue Regenerator, I propped my legs up on the wall and proceeded to pass out. The only problem with this was I woke up an hour later with very cold legs and quite hungry. After dinner it was back on the foam roller. It hurt again today which is always a sign it’s doing some good.



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