Sunday, January 23, 2005


The plan today, was very similar to yesterday, to do some decent mileage, at a moderate tempo. Today, Ben and I met up a little after 10:00 and road out to May valley on getting back from May Valley we threw on an extension around Mercer Island before heading back in. It ended up taking ~4hrs and 45 minutes. Neither yesterday or today were all that hard tempo wise but by the time I got back today I was fairly tired and hit the hay for few hours. It feels really good to start to put in some decent mileage.

In my opinion part of training for events like RAO, is getting the mind in sync with being out awhile. You need to get in the mental state where after 5 hrs on the bike you feel like saying hey I really haven’t been on all that long, I haven’t earned a rest yet. Long rides do that. Note, some people take this sort of training a little far in my opinion.

Recovery: On getting back I ate two scoops of whey, and took some Tissue Regenerator. After which I spent some time on the foam roller, wow did I find a sweet spot.


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